Website not attracting new clients? Start to improve your website conversion rate today.

Website Not Attracting Clients?

Have you got a website that you’ve spent a small fortune on or spent a lot of time creating yourself? A website can be a huge investment whether the cost is time or money. The problem many people find is that they don’t get any new leads. I guess you are probably wondering why.

By creating a new website, it doesn’t instantly give you new leads at your door. Below are some key points to consider when working on a new website.

1) Design doesn’t matter

If we were designing a new website for your business and you said it has to look beautiful, our first question would be, “if I design an out-dated and ugly website which brought you 10 new leads a week, would you want it?” I’m guessing the answer would be yes, right?

A beautiful design is simply the surface of the site and can often override the content and the message your business is trying to convey to the visitor. The goal of a website is to hook your visitors into looking into your business further instead of just leaving straight away. Implementing a conversion strategy is the best way to get new leads into paying customers for the business.

So, you’re probably wondering, whatever is a conversion strategy. Don’t worry, we’ll explain.

A conversion strategy is a plan designed to convert visitors into leads and then into paying customers. A conversion strategy takes into consideration various factors such as the experience you are giving the visitors when they visit the site and how you will measure success. In the words of Peter Drucker, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”. You have goals for your business but if you have no set criteria for measuring the success of a strategy, how will you ever know how close you are to succeeding. You wouldn’t play a game and not keep score – you want to win, right?

Our Tip: Implement analytics on your website to gain an in-depth understanding of who is visiting your website, their location, the pages they visit and how long they spend looking at your content.

2) Make your website about them, not you

The content featured on your website should be aimed towards your ideal client – the people visiting your website who you want to attract into paying customers. If the content is trying to sell to your colleague, there would be no benefit to having the site.

The content on the site should be simple using no technical jargon which could be very off-putting to visitors who may have no understanding or interest in your area of work. Using jargon would only push your visitors away and prevent them from seeing other content on the site.

Every business has an ideal client who they want to work with day-in-day-out and this is decided by various factors unique to each business. By understanding your ideal client and having a clear profile for the individual, you can optimise your site to feature content that would resonate with them specifically and the problems they have which your business can help to solve. When your ideal client does land on your homepage, what do you want them to do? If you don’t provide clear instructions which provides them with their solution, they are most-likely going to leave and try to find a solution elsewhere.

Our Tip: Make sure you have a clear understanding of your ideal client – the person you are trying to attract into your business – the person that has a burning problem which you have a solution for. Being able to evaluate their problem and identifying a clear solution and then optimising your website to show what you can do. Hiding your ability to resolve their burning problem will only send them elsewhere.

3) Educate

So, people are now finding your website and liking your content but it doesn’t mean they are ready to become a paying customer for your business. In the modern world with the internet, people spend a lot of time browsing for the best deals and ensuring they are getting more value for money. The internet provides a highly competitive market for all industries.

Your goal now is to keep them interested and most importantly, get their email address before they leave on their researching adventure. By adding educational information to your site in the form of a checklist, e-book, video or infographic, you are adding more value to the service you can provide but you are now able to educate and nurture those leads long after they’ve left your site.

Our Tip: Setup a call-to-action on your website with a lead magnet. The lead magnet should add additional value to the service you are providing. Complimentary to the lead magnet should be an email nurturing sequence setup to automatically send the lead pre-set emails after they have entered their email. From the second they give you their email address, you want to take the opportunity to send valuable emails showing them why your business is the right solution for them.

Bonus Tip

One of the biggest problems facing a lot of businesses is the use of social media. It can be great, but it isn’t a website. Interacting with current and potential customers can be great but social media isn’t the platform for converting visitors into customers for your business. The questions surrounding social media range from whether they even saw your latest post through to how they view their news feed – both of which are out of your control. By having a website with lead magnets, you can obtain essential information such as an email address from an opt-in form which will allow you to nurture your leads and send them promotions your business has running creating a much higher chance of conversion. Email marketing is far more powerful than social media. It gives you the ability to target specific clients based on various attributes such as whether they opened your last email, the interests they have and the links they clicked in your email.

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